Advantages Of Cord Blood Banking: Everything You Need To Know

Ready to welcome your little munchkin? You must be overwhelmed with worries right now; remember- YOU CAN DO THIS!
Just a quick question: Would you believe us if we tell you that your newborn’s cord blood may have the potential to save lives? The likelihood is that you won’t. Every time we tell parents that their baby’s precious stem cells can help treat life-threatening disorders, repair injuries etc, it surprises them.
You will learn more about stem cells in this blog. Take the first step to secure your baby’s future health and choose cord blood banking. Furthermore, you can safeguard the entire family from numerous life-threatening diseases. Intrigued? Continue reading to find out more.
Umbilical Cord: Introduction

Is this term new to you? Simply put, the umbilical cord is the foundation of the first connection of a mother with her baby. It bridges the growing foetus to its mother during pregnancy in the womb. There are two routes: one of which is the umbilical vein, which transports oxygen and nutrient-rich blood. The other one is the umbilical artery. It transports deoxygenated blood together with the foetus’ waste products.
As we mentioned at the beginning of the blog, your baby’s stem cells have life-saving potential. So, do you want to secure your entire family’s future health and consider stem cell banking? Wondering about the baby’s safety? Fret not! This collection process is completely safe and poses no risk to the mother or her newborn baby.
Before we dive into cord blood banking and its advantages, let’s get a few things straight about stem cells.
Stem Cells: Definition
Stem cells are those miracle, life-giving cells that have healing and renewing potential. These stem cells have the ability to treat numerous blood diseases, blood cancers, and immune and metabolic diseases.
It has been almost three decades since we have been using umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells for transplantation? As a result, there are more than 99 deadly diseases against which stem cell transplant treatments are available. Promising, isn’t it? So, if you’re planning to preserve your baby’s precious stem cells, then you should first understand the benefits and drawbacks of cord blood banking. Let’s dive in!
Benefits Of Umbilical Cord Blood Banking
- Rich source of hematopoietic stem cells with the ability to treat various illnesses
- Umbilical cord blood is collected at birth, tested and preserved. Therefore, is readily available whenever required.
- Collecting stem cells from umbilical cord blood is easy, safe and poses no danger to the mother or baby.
- Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD) is a condition where the recipient’s body is attacked by transplanted umbilical cord stem cells. And umbilical cord blood has a low risk of developing GVHD.
- As soon as the infant is born, cord blood is collected and preserved. Therefore, there is a lower chance of contamination.
- It is a reliable option for patients who are unable to find a stem cell match with their siblings. A partial match of 6/8 is suitable for transplant.
- It is easy to procure and process cord blood units for transplants
Why Choose LifeCell Community Stem Cell Banking Over Others?
If you wish to preserve your newborn’s stem cells, then LifeCell Community Stem Cell banking is a good option. You can also opt for public or private stem cell banks but they have their limitations. Here’s why:
- Umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells are commonly stored in either a private or public bank. Yet, autologous stem cells (derived from an individual’s tissues, cells or DNA), are not suitable for treating nearly 90% of authorised blood-related medical conditions at present. This happens because the stem cells taken from a person with the genetic condition will contain the mutation and are therefore not suitable for use.
- Public Cord Blood Banking is appropriate for serving a large number of people. However, the Community Banking Programme offers a more financially viable business model that offers greater benefits to patients than traditional public banks.
- Obtaining stem cells from a public bank can be costlier compared to acquiring them from LifeCell’s Community Stem Cell Bank – BabyCord. To know more, check
- LifeCell is the first stem cell bank which is accredited with AABB. Furthermore, we are US FDA registered and recognised with agencies such as WHO, ISO, GMP, CAP, FDA, and NABL, and licensed by DCGI. These registrations ensure the highest standards of quality, safety, and reliability in stem cell banking.
- The dual storage system at Lifecell guarantees the highest level of safety and security for your samples, protecting them from unexpected events such as natural disasters.
- It additionally employs a state-of-the-art, environment-friendly, temperature-regulated, and waterproof cord blood collection container crafted from stainless steel to transport your sample to their laboratories.
- Moreover, cord blood from only one donor might not be enough for transplantation in adult patients. Hence, a cord blood unit stored in a public bank is 100 times more likely to be used compared to one stored in a private bank.
Ending Note
So folks, we have shared the pool of knowledge and now, the choice is completely yours! In this blog, we have provided you with enough information on LifeCell’s stem cell banking. So, if you’re expecting a baby, grab the chance to protect your family with India’s largest and most preferred stem cell bank for up to 75 years! By storing your baby’s umbilical cord blood cells with LifeCell, you are protecting your family’s well-being and supporting the betterment of others’ lives.
To learn more about LifeCell’s stem cell banking call us at 1800-266-5533 or visit
Product Recommendations
- BabyCord
- StemMatch
- FamilyFloater